Monday, February 29, 2016

Melanie Bush

Interviewed by Erik Rodriguez

Name: Melanie Bush
Age: 23
Occupation: Texas State Student


Q: Are you in favor for campus carry at Texas State University?

A: "I don’t really see the point as to why you would need a gun on campus. Unless you were that worried about your life, but why would you be if we already have campus security and police."

A: "The only part of campus carry that I would support is for mostly women late at night. With the assaults that happen late at night on campus. If you do need to be on campus late at night then I understand. I have a late class, so I can understand walking to my class that’s at bobcat stadium”

A: "Some people are very proud of their guns. I’m not against guns at all, but understanding that it is something that is very serious. It is something that can hurt people. Some people feel more powerful and stronger when they have a weapon, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to fix anything."

Q: Overall would this be beneficial to you? would you feel more safer here at Texas State?

A: "I’m hoping to see assaults on were men jump women go down"
A: "As someone who knows how to use a gun, I don’t care if someone else has a gun as long as they don’t use it in a negative way or try to hurt anyone because of their right to carry that gun, that’s all I really care about. For me personally if I do ever get the license to carry a gun I welcome anybody that wants to start shit."


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