Monday, January 25, 2016

Griselda Benitez

Griselda Benitez

Griselda Benitez is originally from California but moved to Anna, Texas when she was 8 years old. In high school she was involved in the marching band all four years. She has one younger sister named Gabriela who is 17. Griselda is a sophomore at Texas State University and is majoring in public relations. Her hobbies includes: listening to music, reading news about technology, shopping, Netflix, and napping. Some fun facts about her is that she is not a morning person and has two dogs back in Anna, Texas. Also, during her latest winter break she went to Tennessee to visit family. She saw multiple films on her break which included Star Wars and she saw Krampus in a drive-in movie. Another interesting fact about her is that when she was two-years old she caught pneumonia and spent weeks in the hospital. As a result, to this day her parents are precautious and protective.






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